Social Media Marketing Tips: Achieving Strategic Success

Apr 1, 2024

✍️ Author: Sinead O'Connor


Whether TikTok or Instagram, YouTube or Reddit, social media is essentially just a fancy way of talking about peer-to-peer communication online — strangers, friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues connecting, informing, making recommendations, and guiding each other in their shared online platforms of choice. Social media is where people connect over shared interests, build communities around those interests, influence culture and trends, and drive business and the marketplace. This is especially true for the health and wellness.


In these environments, an effective social media presence for your health and wellness business means showing up for the discussions, being visible when people go looking for the services you offer, and consistently interacting responsibly and reliably. That way, you can become part of the conversation and, ultimately, a target for your audience’s business.


Are you ready to unlock the power of social media marketing for your wellness business? In this social media marketing guide, we’ll dive into best practices for social media marketing, share actionable social media marketing tips and strategies for beginners, explore innovative ideas to elevate your online presence, and more.


Table of Contents:

How Effective Is Social Media Marketing? Is It Worth It? 

Today, effective social media marketing remains a crucial aspect of any successful business strategy, particularly for solo entrepreneurs and small businesses in the yoga, fitness, and wellness spaces. With more people than ever turning to social media for inspiration, information, and connection, having a robust online presence is no longer optional – it’s essential.


By leveraging social media platforms where your clients congregate, you can increase brand awareness, engage with current and potential clients, and establish yourself as a trusted authority in your business area or niche.


We won’t sugarcoat it—social media marketing best practices take some effort to master. However, once you get in the swing of it, you’ll find that it’s well worth the effort, both in the classroom and on your bottom line.


No matter your practice area—be it yoga on-demand, massage therapy, or Reiki by appointment—the social media marketing basics remain the same: it’s vitally important to develop a cohesive strategy and maintain a consistent publishing cadence. This helps you stay top-of-mind with your followers, stay part of the conversation, and attract new clients.


Regularly sharing content that matters to your audience, engaging with your audience directly, and showcasing your unique brand personality can foster meaningful connections and build a loyal community around your business.


Here are some foundational tips on social media marketing that will help make your efforts more valuable and effective:


  • Develop a content calendar: Plan your posts in advance to ensure a consistent and balanced mix of content.
  • Engage with your followers: Respond to comments, messages, reviews, and mentions promptly to build relationships and show that you value your community’s input and support.
  • Leverage visuals: Use high-quality images, videos, and graphics to capture attention and create a visually appealing impact.

Examples of Social Media Marketing Success

Community beats at the heart of the fitness and wellness space, and several companies here have set great examples of effective social media marketing to follow.


These brands have followed good social media marketing practices to leverage social media platforms to build engaged communities successfully, showcase their unique offerings, and establish themselves as industry leaders.


Here are a few examples of companies (worth analyzing) that have excelled in their social media marketing efforts:


  • Lululemon: This sportswear giant has cultivated a strong social media presence by sharing inspirational content, showcasing their high-quality athletic apparel in action, and featuring user-generated content from their passionate community.
  • Headspace: This popular meditation app has effectively used social media to promote mental well-being, share educational content, and engage with its audience through interactive challenges and live events.
  • Tone It Up: Founded by Karena Dawn and Katrina Scott, Tone It Up has built a massive following on social media by providing workout videos, healthy recipes, and a supportive community for women.

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4 Steps to Building a Social Media Marketing Strategy

As with any marketing effort, building a solid social media marketing strategy is critical to effectively connect with your target audience and grow your online presence. There’s plenty of room for trial and error, to be sure. But by following a structured approach, you can create a roadmap that guides your content creation, audience engagement, and overall social media efforts to minimize effort and maximize your results.


In this section, we’ll walk you through four key steps to develop a comprehensive social media marketing strategy tailored to your business. These simple steps will help you lay a solid foundation for a successful and sustainable social media presence.


Step 1: Understand Your Audience

Start here: Who are you trying to reach, and where are they congregating online? If you know the answer, you’re starting strong. If not, no worries. Understanding your audience is the first and most crucial step to a solid social media marketing strategy.


Having a deep understanding of your ideal clients, what they’re looking for, and how to best serve their needs will form the foundation of your social media marketing efforts, allowing you to create content that will resonate with your audience as authentic, attract them to your business, and ultimately engage them.


No matter how well you think you know your audience, conducting market research and gathering data about your potential clients is essential. How they talk and act in the studio or classroom and how they talk and act online may be very different.


This may involve analyzing your current customer base, surveying your audience, and studying industry trends. It may also involve simply observing how people in your space or niche interact online.


By gaining insights into your target audience’s demographics, interests, behaviors, modes of interaction, pain points, and preferences, you can tailor your social media content and strategy to reach and engage them effectively.


  • Create customer personas: Develop detailed profiles of your ideal clients, including their age, location, interests, challenges, and goals. This will help you create content that speaks directly to their needs and preferences.
  • Monitor social media conversations: Pay attention to what your target audience discusses on social media platforms. Join relevant groups, follow industry hashtags, and engage in discussions to gain valuable insights into their thoughts and opinions.
  • Analyze the competition: Study how your competitors target and engage their audience on social media. Note what’s working well and consider how you can improve upon their strategies.

Step 2: Create Content that Truly Resonates with Your Target Market

Once you have a clear understanding of your target audience, the next step in building your social media marketing strategy is to create content that truly resonates with them.


This means developing content — posts, videos, images, blogs, etc. — that acknowledges and offers solutions to your ideal client’s needs, interests, and pain points. Authenticity (being true to yourself) and value (giving them what they need) are crucial.


Start by referring to your insights into your audience and use that knowledge to guide your content creation process. This may involve brainstorming topics that align with their interests, crafting inspiring messages, crafting striking content with content creation tools, and experimenting with different content formats to see what generates the best results.


  • Use your voice: One of your greatest assets is your brand voice — so use it! This will help you stand out from competitors and build a strong connection with your audience.
  • Encourage interaction: Ask questions, create polls, and encourage your audience to share their thoughts and experiences in the comments. This builds a sense of community and promotes two-way communication. This also helps build stronger relationships with your followers and provides valuable insights into their preferences.
  • Focus on providing value: Rather than promoting your products or services first, share content that educates, inspires, or entertains your audience. This could include workout tips, healthy recipes, mindfulness techniques, or motivational stories.
  • Use visuals: Visuals can help convey your message more effectively and stop scrollers in their tracks. Incorporate eye-catching images, graphics, and videos into your content to make it more engaging and shareable.

Step 3: Tie Your Social Media Content to Other Marketing Efforts

It’s important to remember that your social media marketing is most effective when it complements your other marketing efforts. A cohesive and integrated approach to ALL of your marketing efforts maximizes the impact of your messaging wherever your audience encounters it.


By leveraging the power of this consistency, you can reinforce your brand’s identity, reach a wider audience, and drive more meaningful engagement with your target market on- and offline.


This requires a holistic view of your marketing strategy. When you can see the whole picture, you can identify opportunities to connect your social media content with other tactics, like email marketing, blog posts, events, or collaborations.


This may also involve repurposing content across different platforms (like testimonials, web content, or blog posts), using consistent branding and messaging, and strategically coordinating your posts with other marketing activities.


  • Promote your blog posts: Share snippets or teasers of your latest blog posts on social media, encouraging your followers to read the full article on your website. This not only drives traffic to your site but also helps to establish your expertise.
  • Integrate email marketing: Use social media to grow your email list by promoting opt-ins, promotions, or exclusive content. Include social media links in your email newsletters to encourage subscribers to follow you on various platforms.
  • Promote events and workshops: If you’re hosting a webinar, workshop, or retreat, create a social media campaign leading up to the event to generate buzz and encourage registration. Share behind-the-scenes content, testimonials, or sneak peeks to build anticipation.
  • Collaborate with other businesses or influencers: Partner with complementary businesses or influencers to create co-branded content or cross-promotional campaigns. This can help you tap into new audiences, expand your reach, and provide added value to your existing followers.

Step 4: Create and Follow a Regular Publishing Cadence

The final step in building a solid foundation for your social media marketing strategy is to create and follow a regular publishing cadence.


Not only is this extremely helpful for keeping you organized, but this consistent schedule for sharing content across your social media channels ensures you show up for your audience regularly and predictably. A steady presence helps keep your brand top-of-mind, fosters deeper connections with your followers, and builds trust and credibility over time.


For this step, you’ll need a “content calendar.” Yes, this is exactly what it sounds like—an outline of what you’ll post, when, and on which platforms. But it’s more than just a listing of dates, platforms, and topics. Your content calendar may involve setting goals for post frequency, creating content in advance, and using scheduling tools (more on that in a minute) to automate your posts.


Consistency is key, but allow yourself to remain flexible and adapt based on your audience’s engagement.


  • Determine your goal posting frequency: Balance your audience’s preferences, your industry or niche, and your available resources to determine how often you should post (and where). While consistency is important, avoid overwhelming your audience, sacrificing quality for quantity, or burning yourself out.
  • Mix up the content: Plan various content types, e.g., educational posts, inspirational quotes, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and promotional offers. A variety of posts will keep your feed engaging and diverse. Aim to balance value-driven content and promotional posts to avoid being too salesy.
  • Use scheduling tools: Several social media scheduling tools are available to help you plan and automate your posts in advance. It’s worth the effort to find the right one for your needs (we’ve included some of our favorites later in this guide). The right tool will save you time, help you maintain consistency, and ensure you post at optimal times for your audience.
  • Monitor and adjust: Make it a practice to review your social media for post performance and audience engagement. Is it time to mix things up or keep doing more of the same? Understanding what’s working and what isn’t will help you fine-tune your cadence, content mix, and timing to optimize your results.

Social Media Marketing Ideas to Level Up Your Presence

Got the hang of it? Great! That means it’s time to take your social media marketing efforts to the next level with some advanced tactics. These can help you stand out further, reach untapped audiences, and drive even better results for your business.


So much of where to go next depends on where you’ve been—what’s worked and what hasn’t.


The more comprehensive you can be in your efforts and your evaluations of them, the better. By constantly innovating and adapting your approach, you can stay ahead of your competition, regularly surprise and engage your audience, and continue to grow your business through social media.


Here are some more advanced social media marketing tactics to consider:


  • Formal influencer partnerships & sponsorships: Collaborate with or sponsor influencers in your niche to expand your reach, tap into new audiences, and build credibility through trusted recommendations.
  • Live video and stories: Leverage the power of live video to create authentic, in-the-moment connections with your audience and showcase your brand’s personality.
  • User-generated content campaigns: Encourage your audience to create and share content featuring your brand, products, or services, fostering a sense of community.
  • Social media challenges and giveaways: Take user-generated content a step further. Launch an interactive challenge or contest that encourages audience participation, boosts engagement, and increases brand awareness through user-generated content and sharing.
  • Facebook and LinkedIn groups: Build or actively participate in niche-specific groups on Facebook and LinkedIn to establish your expertise, provide value, host an AMA (Ask Me Anything), and foster meaningful connections with potential clients and industry peers.

Social Media Marketing Solutions and Tools

There are literally hundreds of social media marketing solutions and tools on the market, with services ranging from individual users to large businesses with multiple team members. Of course, the costs and benefits are just as varied.


The good news is that there are some excellent free plans for individual users that can perfectly service your small business for zero financial investment. Exploring a free plan gives you a good sense of whether you use the right software for your business. Most, if not all, can upgrade to paid plans with more features and functions, making the “try before you buy” approach a great way to find the perfect tool for your needs.


In this section, we’ll give you a closer look at some of our favorites.



Buffer is an intuitive social media management platform that streamlines social media marketing efforts. With features like scheduling, analytics, and team collaboration, Buffer lets you plan, publish, and analyze content across multiple social media channels from a single dashboard.


  • Who it’s for: Small—to medium-sized businesses, social media managers, and marketers who want to efficiently manage their social media presence across various platforms.
  • Price: Free plan with limited features and a single social channel; paid plans start at $5/mo per social channel for additional features, analytics, and team collaboration tools.

Opus Clip

Opus Clip is a user-friendly platform for creating professional-looking videos for social media marketing. Featuring customizable templates, a built-in stock library, and intuitive editing tools, Opus Clip makes the video creation process easy and helps you produce engaging content quickly and easily.


  • Who it’s for: Small to medium-sized businesses, marketers, and content creators looking to enhance their social media presence with video content.
  • Price: Free plan with limited features; paid plans start at $9.99/mo for additional features and resources.


BuzzSumo is a powerful content research and analysis tool that helps you identify trending topics, popular content, and influential people in your industry or niche. By providing insights into shares, backlinks, and engagement metrics, this tool helps you optimize your content strategy by the numbers.


  • Who it’s for: Digital marketers, content creators, and businesses looking to analyze content performance and identify trends in their niche.
  • Price: Free trial; paid plans starting at $99/mo for more advanced features and data insights.


Canva is a versatile graphic design platform that lets you create visual content for social media, even without design experience. With an extensive library of templates, images, and design elements, Canva streamlines the design process, helping you easily produce professional-looking graphics, animations, and videos.


  • Who it’s for: Businesses, marketers, content creators, and individuals seeking to create visually appealing content.
  • Price: Free plan with access to basic features and templates; paid plans starting at $12.99/mo for additional features, resources, and brand kit functionality.

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Level Up Your Online Presence and Grow Your Business with OfferingTree

Congratulations! You have a solid foundation for creating a powerful social media marketing strategy to help you connect with your audience, showcase your expertise, and grow your business. By understanding your audience, creating resonant content, integrating your efforts with other marketing channels, and maintaining a consistent publishing cadence, you’ll be well on your way to social media success.


Ready to take your online presence to the next level? OfferingTree is here to help with various solutions designed specifically for wellness entrepreneurs like you. Start your journey to social media mastery today by exploring our platform and discovering how OfferingTree can help you achieve your business goals.


Sign up for a free trial and try OfferingTree for 14 days, or watch a demo to see the software in action.

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