Amazing Yoga & Wellness Websites on OfferingTree – Part 2

Jul 5, 2021

✍️ Author: Sinead O'Connor


In part 2 of our featured website’s series, we’re going to look at 5 more awesome websites and their OfferingTree users, and hear how they chose their design, and what they like about their site. If you haven’t seen Part 1 of this series yet, you can check that out here, and more articles will follow in the future!

We love to watch our users build their websites with their unique designs and creative branding. Our website users have business in different parts of the wellness industry from yoga, pilates, meditation, massage and dance businesses and we enjoy taking care of the tech so they can focus on building their businesses. Below are four of our current favourites, along with some information about the businesses they represent.

5. Amanda Rohlik Yoga

As soon as you land on the website of Amanda Rohlik Yoga , you get a sense of soothing calm from the gorgeous image of the water. The vibrant colours and meditative pose make us want to take a deep breath and say ‘ahhhhh’.

Amanda joined OfferingTree over a year ago to set up a website for her yoga business. She shared with us “It was super simple and easy. Anything I didn’t know was easy to find, and if I couldn’t find it, OfferingTree customer service was phenomenal.”

To keep her business on track, Amanda uses memberships and packages in her website as well as email marketing, class scheduling, blog posts and discount codes. What’s Amanda’s favourite part of her site? “How easy it is to update and maintain, as well as how streamlined and modern it looks.”

More about Amanda Rohlik Yoga: Amanda is an RYT-200 yoga teacher. My journey started when I was searching for a wellness class and stumbled upon yoga. Little did I know that I’d be taking a teacher training a few years later, and falling in love again with yoga and all its benefits. I believe that yoga is for everyone, regardless of who you are, where you come from, what you believe, or what your flexibility/fitness level is. Yoga is more than just poses and movement, and I want to help you find that out in your own way and in your own time. You can catch Amanda’s classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 – 8:30 pm. Follow Amanda on social media to learn more Facebook and Instagram.

6. Mindfulness Based Interventions

Nichole Moorman has hosted her MBSR, coaching and psychotherapy business through her OfferingTree website for over 3 years. The image on her homepage is overlaid with a mandala, and the sunset is a perfect backdrop!

Nichole branding has evolved over time; “I started from scratch with OfferingTree, and then recently I hired a branding specialist who created a new logo and look on my OT site. I love it!” And Nichole says that her website was “the easiest part of setting up my business!”. That is music to our ears!

Nichole said the thing she loves most about her OfferingTree site is “the ease of everything, new features to look forward to, and as it turns out, enough flexibility to create a really nice branded look with some expert help:)”.

More about Nichole – Nichole invites strong-willed, hard-working humans to transform the stress, anxiety, and loneliness that is holding them back. She guides those who secretly want to heal themselves to quickly uncover internal resources and gently untangle the sources of stress and tension. Nichole’s extensive training, deep presence, and calming spirit infuse all of her offerings-  online resources, 8-week evidence-based Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction courses, and 1:1 coaching. She invites you to take your next small (ahem, hardest) step to increased peace, improved sleep, and feeling like yourself again( or for the first time).

Join Nichole’s upcoming online offering – Nichole is running a 5-week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction intensive, online, with some in-person options from July 28 – August 18, 2021. Check it out on her schedule to learn more. Click the links to follow Nichole on Instagram and Facebook.

7. Trauma Sensitive Yoga Project

Erin Finck set up her website for the Trauma Sensitive Yoga Project early in 2021. Check out the unique blend of colours on her website, it’s so eye-catching and well-designed.

When designing her website, Erin utilized her web experience, and used Canva for the graphic design and logo. In your OfferingTree site, its really easy to add images, change their dimensiosn and replace them.

To keep her business on track, Erin regularly uses the membership and packages feature of her site, as well as providing on-Demand videos. Along with the email marketing, scheduling, blog posts and discount code features, there is a lot to use all in one place! What does Erin like best about her OfferingTree site? “The all-in-one availability”

More about Erin – Erin has been practicing yoga for over 15 years. She has completed the 300-hour Trauma Center – Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) certification program, over 200 hours of Yoga Teacher Training, and additional training in addiction, mental health, criminal justice, prenatal yoga, and the Yoga of 12 Steps Recovery. She has a BA in Psychology from OU.

Attend Erin’s classes online – Erin offers trauma sensitive classes online, Wednesdays at 3:30p ET. This is an evidence-based,  adjunctive treatment for complex trauma or complex PTSD that has been resistant to treatment.  Participants are given choices about how to engage in their practice,  invited to notice sensations in their bodies,  and experience being in their body in the present moment.  Learn more by following Erin on Instagram and Facebook.

8. Align & Awaken with Charlene

Charlene Lowe’s website for her business Align & Awaken with Charlene immediate gives a sense of openness and continuity with the image on the homepage. Charleen has had her website up and running for over a year and it looks incredible, She keeps in touch with her clients through the email marketing and blog posting features of her OfferingTree site.

Charlene says set up was very easy. “I started from scratch working with what Offering Tree had to offer. I’m constantly looking for ways to make my website and branding more effective. It has slowly evolved over the past year. Thank you for making the OfferingTree interface easy to change photos, adding & changing offerings/schedules. Customer service is fantastic. For chat or email, Eddie is quick to respond, professional and very helpful. Online help provides very clear step by step instructions. ”

Charlene is also in our Facebook user group where users share tips, support one another and answer questions as well as get support form our team. “The Facebook group is great for seeing what others are doing and for support from OfferingTree staff. I love that OfferingTree asks and listens to what their customers need and do their best to accommodate. One example: I didn’t know anything about integration but saw a customer on the FB page ask about it. The instructions provided on FB were excellent and also links for further info on were given. I was not afraid to try it because all the support I had received to date from Offering Tree has created a trust that I could make it happen.” This is awesome to hear Charlene – thank you!

More about Charlene – The intention of Align & Awaken with Charlene is to help you discover and maintain your deepest well-being through yoga and/or meditation.The practice is to “Align Your Body on the Mat. Awaken Your heart on the Cushion.” Using the breath to align the body in each yoga pose allows you maximize the energetic and healing benefits and minimize any risk of injury. Cultivating loving-kindness and compassion through mediation helps you to navigate life with more clarity and wisdom, allowing you to live with more peace and ease.

Click the links to find Charlene on Instagram & Facebook and learn more.

9. Homebody Yoga

Check out the vibrant colours and theme of Anaïs Ortiz’s Homebody Yoga.

Anaïs is a yoga and mindfulness teacher and built her OfferingTree site earlier in 2021. She used the OfferingTree colour palette to create the design, blended with the aesthetic that she had in mind. We love the image of the succulents; enduring strength, resilience and growth all rolled into one image!

Anaïs found the website set-up process easy, especially the “ease and straightforwardness of getting everything I need to showcase my offerings in one place”. She primarily uses the class scheduling feature for her online mindfulness and meditation classes and plans to dig into more of the features soon. Anais said, “Y’all are doing a really amazing job, thank you for creating this user-friendly all-in-one platform!”.

More about Anaïs: Anaïs is a social psychologist and mindfulness teacher. Her scientific research focuses on mindfulness, self-compassion, and authenticity. As a yoga and meditation teacher, her focus is to help you cultivate intuitive knowledge of these concepts within yourself. She believes building body, breath and emotion awareness creates space for you to arrive present in your being and clears the path home toward a ground you can return to over and over again. You can join Anaïs’s for a live meditation on Insight Timer by checking out her offerings here.

Follow Anaïs on Instagram.

If this is your first time learning about OfferingTree, here is what you should know – we have a mission to take care of the tech for wellness professionals and provide an all-in-one solution to help them run their businesses. We created a simple system for wellness and fitness professionals to manage their website, email marketing, blog, appointments, and payments all in one spot. This means that you can focus more time on what you do best.

If you want to learn more, you can contact us at [email protected] to schedule a tour of your next website or ask us any questions.

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